99% of situations are covered in detail within our rules.
Click on any rule to expand that rule further.
Each ▶ contains a dropdown.
A wild cat has appeared! Wow!
Server Information - See Below
Brand New Or Something Broken? - Click the provided link to visit our list of answers to common in-game questions.
!contracts - Type in chat to check current weekly contract leader. Contracts reset every Sunday night.
!cross - Customize your crosshair in game by typing this in chat.
!menu - This command in chat pulls up the ULX menu.
!motd - Typing this command in chat pulls up this page in its entirety.
!ps - Typing this in chat brings up your Pointshop 2 inventory. Pressing f3 will do this as well.
!report - Use this command in chat to report a player that you believe broke a rule towards you.
!respond - Use this command in chat to respond to a player that has reported you while still alive.
!sprays - Use this command in chat to set your spray. Sprays are able to be used by Regular rank or higher.
!steam - Use this command in chat to join our Steam group and receive a free traitor pass.
!taunts - Use this command in chat to purchase highly affordable taunts with in-game points at any rank.
lastshot_enabled 0 - Type in console to disable the default klll cam.
lastshot_enabled 1 - Type in console to re-enable the default kill cam.
F1 / F2 / F3 / F4 / F7 / F8 - Help & Settings - Mouse Pointer - Pointshop 2 - Damage Logs - Performance Rank - Time Rank
scttt.me - The server homepage. To visit, type the URL in your browser. (Chrome, Edge, Mozilla, Etc.)
Missing Textures? - Click the provided link which leads to a guide if you happen to be missing CSS or server textures.
Server Rules
a. If you do not agree with a decision a staff member has made towards you, utilize the forums.
b. You may make a ban appeal if you feel you were wrongfully banned.
c. You may report a staff member for abuse only if you possess proof.
d. If a player deals a minute amount of damage, the implementation of whether a slay takes place will be under staff discretion.
e. It is your responsibility to properly communicate with staff to avoid a situation going unfavorably.
f. Even if a type of punishment is not included in any given rule below, it may still be used if deemed necessary.
a. Do not revenge kill. Report players that RDM you instead. Revenge RDM is punishable by up to 2 auto-slays.
b. Do not prop kill as innocent unless you are prop killing a known traitor.
c. Do not kill ANY players with props while in spectator mode (despite whatever your living role was).
d. If your actions result in any other player's death with no just cause, that counts as RDM.
e. Crossfire RDM or killing a player while aiming for a different player is still RDM even if unintentional unless that player intentionally puts themselves in harm's way.
f. If multiple reports are made during a Pile-Up (Chain) RDM and you are responsible for causing it, you may receive up to a max of 2 slays.
g. You must warn your traitor buddy when using the Banana Bomb, Holy Hand Grenade, Traitor Traps, Etcetera. Failure to do so will be considered RDM.
h. Randomly shooting people with the Freeze Gun or Random Gun, will be treated as RDM and punished via auto-slay.
i. Blatant, intentional RDM of a detective or your traitor buddy is punishable up to 2 auto-slays.
j. Any role may play with props (no surfing or blocking) but any innocent on innocent prop kill may be punishable up to 2 auto-slays.
k. 3 or more tactical rdms in close succession may be treated as mass rdm across multiple maps in a single day especially in the case of repeat offenders (players constantly caught RDM'ing others).
l. Doing daily rdms just under the ban threshold may lead a ban due to attempting to circumvent the rules.
a. It’s fine to curse or swear but not in a directly rude way consistently.
b. The word “Nigga” is fine, but other racial slurs are not, including "Nigga" with the hard R.
c. Attempting to bypass racism rules via implying racism through letter switching (Nate Higgers) may result in the same punishment.
Warning - People are here to relax, have fun & play TTT so please avoid trolling or any inflammatory political comments or you may be gagged or muted.
a. Do not mic spam, chat spam, or use voice changers that cause your voice to be unclear or garbled to others.
b. Keep in-game jokes to in-game and realize when enough is enough (poking fun should never turn into full out harassment).
c. Excessively targeting a specific player in a negative manner is considered harassment. Continued harassment after being warned may lead to being gagged/muted or banned.
d. Consistently door blocking as innocent even after warning is considered trolling and may be punished via administration.
e. Ageism (using terms such as squeaker) and Sexism (using terms such as "back to the kitchen") are both not tolerated or allowed.
a. Do not abuse your model's hitboxes (knowing that it has no head hit box or bugged animations during crouch jumping but using it anyway).
b. Do not use macros, external programs, or any other method to gain an unfair advantage over other players or intentionally hurt the server.
c. Do not use unintended weaponry in weapon specific Special Rounds.
d. You must possess the Counter-Strike Source textures (even if you don't own the game itself).
e. Role Farming (killing yourself as innocent repeatedly until detective or traitor), Point Farming (unless doing !gjoin in spectator mode), Time Farming, or any other type of gaining advantage for reasons unrelated to playing the game itself may be punished by a small 1 to 2 hour ban after warning. Multiple offenses will bring greater punishments.
f. By hitting the "Accept" button on the bottom of the MOTD, you consent to every rule here within and give us permission to record in-game footage to help primarily with uses of catching players using external programs to attempt to "cheat" or "hack" while playing on the server.
g. Jumping (with jump boost or otherwise) in ways to purposefully avoid getting shot is considered hitbox exploiting and can result in a warning/slay. (ie. jumping to put head through the celling to avoid headshots)
a. You can tell your T-buddies to revive you but not your body location.
b. When you are dead, you must not communicate any information to any living player aside from what is written above.
c. While you are alive, you may never reveal any of your traitor buddies without their permission.
d. You may not intentionally team with someone of the opposite role. (Innocents should not help traitors, traitors should not help detectives, Etcetera)
a. Sprays of any kind of a sexual nature are not allowed whatsoever. This also includes suggestive memes, touching, grinding, text, etc.
a. Do not advertise any other servers or use time spent within any avenue of this community (Discord, Garry's Mod, etc) to sell any kind of product.
b. Any deviations to the above also apply.
a. Do not ask to be staff. (If you are interested in staff, apply on the forums, once you meet the written requirements)
b. Do not change your name mid-round. It changes your known identity and breaks immersion.
c. If you are interested in staff, apply on the forums, per meeting the written requirements.
d. You may never impersonate a staff member/player of the server. You may see the current staff list by typing !motd.
e. You may be asked to change your steam name while in-game if it causes ample confusion (inability to call you out as a traitor due to a single or multiple symbols, having the same/similar name as another player, Etcetera).
a. Prop surfing is not KOS'able.
b. If after being warned, you do not comply, you will be slain or kicked accordingly.
c. You may get to normally inaccessible but within map boundary zones using any D or T weapon.
d. Don't exploit outside the map with the Grappling Hook, Shield Gun, Thunder Thighs, or any other D or T shop item.
a. Traitors may claim rooms against innocent players (in order to kill them as they pass through) as long as this room claim isn't a delaying tactic.
b. Any innocent claiming a room and killing others with no KOS'able proof is RDM.
c. Grapple hooking around the map as traitor or innocent without being accessible (as an innocent) or attacking (as a traitor).
d. Deciding not to do anything as a traitor to risk putting yourself in jeopardy (killing no one the whole round).
e. Camping during Special Rounds (causing delay or an unfair advantage).
f. Camping in spots with limited visibility as innocent that are also inaccessible by C4 usage counts as delay and you may be teleported to a different location as a result.
g. You may be teleported initially or even slain (if more than once) if caught delaying a round over a minute with no obvious progress during over time.
a. Body, door, or prop blocking must be made aware to Admins by informing them through @ and never taken into a player's own hands (via RDM).
b. Remember, this is a general rule, so warning a player to not do these things and them not complying is NOT a KOS'able act.
c. Any kind of prop blocking that causes a pathing disadvantage is not allowed. This means blocking any entryway to a room is considered prop block.
d. Spamming a fading door (a wall, window, or Etcetera that fades in or out) by whatever means it's triggered (movement, a switch, Etcetera) counts as door spam.
a. Do not meta-game.
b. If 2 unprovens are left, they are allowed to be pinned against each other to the death to determine the traitor.
c. Do not use traitor counting as a means to kill anyone.
d. You may KOS the final traitor by use of radar.
e. Point Shop 2 Accessories despite how obvious they may be, fall under suspicion and are not KOS'able.
a. You must be extremely clear that you are not KOS'ing said player if placing them under suspicion.
b. You must see a player do one of the KOSABLE ACTS listed below or have DNA on them to execute an official KOS.
a. Innocents may use traitor weapons found from dead traitors against other traitors.
b. Innocents are responsible for any innocent deaths (RDM) due to traitor weapon use.
c. Anyone having a traitor weapon out for any reason may be KOS'ed except for the detective role.
a. You must ask for permission to test a player unless they are your contract (if you're the detective role). If the player says no you must respect it but may place high suspicion on the player for refusing the test.
b. You may shoot KOS’ed players with the golden deagle or players attempting to kill other players.
a. Running into an already burning Incendiary Grenade.
b. Running in front of your Traitor Buddy while they are fighting an Innocent.
c. Running in front of a fellow innocent while they are fighting a Traitor.
a. Audiences of our community consist of multiple age groups and certain material may be deemed offensive if it contains adult-like or other inappropriate content.
a. Staff ranks will use what ever command is the most effective available to them to stop spam (Kick or Slay on first offense).
b. Entity spam examples include spamming Home Run Bats during Special Rounds or dropping Ammo excessively during any type of round.
c. Staff DOES NOT have to warn you before punishing you if the server's health is in jeopardy due to your actions.
KOSable Acts
a. A KOS called by a known traitor on an Innocent player is automatically void, and following through with said KOS is punishable.
b. If you follow a KOS you must know the name of who issued it. If you can't remember and no one else can, in the circumstance of potential RDM resulting from such, you are responsible.
c. A player may KOS you immediately if they witness you killing a player who is found postmortem (after death) as being the innocent role.
a. The player KOS'ed is already proven.
b. A player that was previously KOS'ed is found, identified, and turn out to be innocent.
c. A player that follows a false KOS unknowingly is not responsible for killing an innocent. The actual False KOS'er may be KOS'ed in return.
a. You cannot KOS someone who says that they used a T pass or got the Man-of-the-Match Traitor reward in pre-round.
b. You cannot KOS someone based on sounds you hear from their mic that are not their voice (meta-gaming) such as the initial round start contract noise.
a. This includes being damaged by a prop.
b. Prop killing a known traitor is not KOS'able.
a. Even if the player calls out that they have a T weapon, they can still be killed for holding it out.
b. Using an Advanced Disguiser to impersonate a detective CAN be KOSable.
c. Being seen using your mic or ID'ing a body while wearing an Advanced Disguiser is KOSable.
a. Just because a player is standing still for a second or two does not mean they are AFK.
b. Please wait a reasonable time before assuming said player is AFK.
a. Any player aside from the detective exiting a T room is able to be KOS'ed.
b. Players entering into the T room are by default assumed to be traitors aside from detectives.
a. If a player is in a room with three or more unidentified bodies, they can be KOS’d without warning.
b. A player that has not moved from their pre-round spawn or performed any action since round start is immune to this act and must not be killed by detectives or innocents.
c. Be sure your warning is loud and clear towards who you want to ID the body. Only one warning is necessary. Give ample time to ID.
d. You may not kill a player if them ID'ing a body is a hazardous action such as walking into a traitor trap or any other situation that may cause immediate death if done.
a. Throwing unidentified bodies out of the map. (less confirmed deaths)
b. Breaking detective equipment, wasting detective item charges, or destroying the T tester.
c. Watching someone commit an obvious traitorous act such as gunning down a crowd & not KOS'ing them or watching them kill & leave a body unidentified while not intervening such as telling them to ID the body.
d. Withholding detective equipment or evidence after being warned. (Bodies, Health Kits, Med Kits, Testers, Etc.)
e. You may be KOS'ed after 3 warnings by the detective if they have not expressly designated a detective item to you, and you decide to take it.
f. A weapon from the T-Suitcase counts as detective equipment if the detective clarifies it as such.
a. Throwing incendiary grenades outside the map is not KOS'able.
b. Causing or attempting to cause any damage to any player is.
c. Throwing an incendiary grenade into the vicinity of other players is KOS'able.
a. Throwing a discombobulated grenade in any heightened area that can potentially cause damage to the affected player is KOS'able.
b. On maps without high ledges that may result in damage or death, you may not KOS for discombob throwing.
a. Shooting that could possibly be towards a player.
b. Shooting directly up or down while not moving towards a player, or at a wall away from other players is not T-baiting.
c. Carrying an explosive around other players is T baiting.
d. Walking towards an innocent with a Remote Sticky Bomb inside you after being warned is T-baiting.
e. Crowbar Pushing a player towards a ledge above a hazard that causes damage is T-baiting.
f. Telling a player to kill you and being killed for it is not reportable. If the player you killed is innocent, you may still be KOS'ed.
g. Shooting in the sky or on the ground near people even when not moving is still T-baiting.
Warning - A player that T-baits as an innocent leading to a pile-up RDM as a result is considered responsible and may receive up to a max of 2 auto-slays.
67th Way - A detective may KOS a player after 3 reasonable warnings of not leaving the detective room.
Airbus - Activating turret traps are KOSable.
Black Mesa East - Staring at the traitor console after being warned is KOS'able.
Casualty - Taking the watermelon towards the helicopter is KOSable.
Crummy Cradle - The keycard traps are KOSable.
Goldenplix Prison - Carrying or using the Welding Tool (Instant Traitor Win) is KOS'able.
Lttp Kakariko b2 - Igniting bombs near players is KOS'able.
Minecraft b5 - Only getting rid of the GOLDEN block is KOSable.
MC Jon Dome - It is KOS'able to wield the diamond sword & it is KOS'able to get rid of the Redstone torch. It is also KOS'able to spam the door button death switch on the traitor tester.
MC Nether - The traitor rooms are KOS'able but detectives may use their items to gain access to them.
Nostalgia House(Halloween / Summer / Xmas) - Walking towards another player with the Baseball Bat is considered T-Baiting.
Nuclear Power - Removing the keycard from the vault is KOSable.
Richland - All of the traps on the map are KOSable.
Rooftops - Do not exploit behind the construction site. Force testing with the axe is considered RDM. Placing dynamite to help build the trap on the rooftop it can explode is considered T-Baiting.
Simple Fixed - The secret Newton Launcher is KOSable.
Site 20 - Entering the traitor room is not KOSable as it can be opened by crowbar hit.
Spotted - You are still able to be KOS'ed if you pull out any T weapons that spawn around the map.
Traitor Industries - Activating turret traps are KOSable.
Traitor Motel - A detective may KOS a player after 3 reasonable warnings of not leaving the detective room.
Vault 101 - The Traitors rooms are NOT KOSable.
Waterworld - Opening the soda machine Traitor room door is kosable.
Special Rounds - Christmas Tree Rules - You are allowed to use any credits gained after round start on any special round.
Special Rounds - Harpoon - You are allowed to throw harpoons through walls by standing close to them.
Special Rounds - Team Deathmatch - Killing your team mates is RDM.
Special Rounds - Team Deathmatch Switch - You are allowed to use your kill bind to team switch in order to extend the round.
Warning - Going against ANY basic TTT rules or Special Round rules that temporarily override during any rounds of a special type may lead to an auto-slay when applicable.
Suspicious Acts
1. They walk past an un-ID'd body.
2. They refuse to test (G.Deagle, D.Ball, T.Tester).
3. They do not respond to a livecheck.
4. They follow you around the map.
5. Not killing a KOS'd player.
6. They are the last player seen by a body.
7. They call sus on proven players.
8. They faced a T Only trap as it activates.
9. They falsely call themselves proven.